Bank Of America Seeks Protection

National News

Bank of America claims members of a "radical anti-tax group" filed bogus papers in court and attempted to "seize" and "foreclose" upon two BofA branch banks. Members of The United Cities Group wore false badges from the "Treasury Department" during their bogus "seizure," which they recorded and posted on YouTube, and they threaten to do again, BofA says.

BofA says the defendant filed a bogus "Notice of Lodgment" and "Notice and Demand" in Miami-Dade County, and tried to execute its claim for a bogus $12.5 billion debt.

"TUC representatives, including Mr. Angel Cruz, when appearing at the branches notified bank employees that they were with the 'Treasury Department' and entered the branched and recorded images of both the interior and exterior of the branches," BofA claims in Federal Court. "Shortly thereafter, TUC posted a press release on its Web site with a link to a YouTube video of the day's events and its plans to 'foreclose' and 'seize' the two Bank of America branches."

The bizarre federal complaint continues: "After 5 p.m. on July 7, 2008, the United States Service notified Bank of America and undersigned counsel that TUC contacted the Secret Service and informed it of TUC's plans to carry out its 'seizure' of the Bank of America branches with TUC's own armed private security officers at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 8, 2008."

The "purported basis" for these "seizures," according to the complaint, is that TUC has created its own banking system, called the TUC Private Currency Office. "TUC created 'drafts' drawn on its own 'bank.' TUC then attempted to deposit the drafts into an account with Bank of America held by TUC's member organizations, Orlando Escrow Services, Inc., and Miami Nights Corp." BofA says it rejected the fraudulent drafts.

It says the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Reserve have issued "Worthless Instrument alerts and fraud alerts regarding checks allegedly drawn on TUC's Private Currency Office."

After BofA rejected the bogus "drafts," it says, TUC sent its members to the Miami branches, with false Treasury Department badges, and video cameras.

"In its video posted on YouTube, TUC professes that it will be 'seizing' the Bank's property located at several bank branches to secure their claim, which totals $15,250,000,000. ...

"TUC's threatened seizures would post a serious and irreversible breach of the security of Bank of America's employees and its customers. Bank of America is in need of this Court's authority to prevent the illegal seizure of its property and to ensure the safety of its employees and customers."

BofA demands a restraining order. Its 8-page complaint is accompanied by 46 pages of exhibits, including TUC's "Notice and Demand," its bank "drafts," and correspondence. Bank of America is represented by Mary Leslie Smith with Foley & Lardner.

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