IRS Procedures that May Save you Money
Litigation Reports
Many companies are experiencing a downturn in business because of the deepening economic crisis. Corporations suffering in today’s difficult business environment may have an immediate need for funds for various purposes, including continued operations, meeting payroll or complying with credit covenants. Even corporations on solid ground may need funds to take advantage of business opportunities or solidify their base. Grant Thornton LLP has developed the summary document, IRS procedures offer relief to cash-starved businesses, to share information on procedures - already available under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) - that may allow corporations to receive refunds quickly or defer payment of tax.
“Since tax, in its various forms, is usually one of the biggest overhead costs in business, it is important for corporations to look carefully at how to manage that cost and its impact on cash flow,” said Rob Byrd, Tax partner in Grant Thornton’s Charlotte office. “While the Treasury and Congress have provided relief in the form of new guidance and legislation, corporations should also be aware of what’s already out there to help them. If a corporation qualifies for one of these procedures, there should be no reason to wait to get cash in hand or defer payment. Taking advantage of the administrative relief provided by the Internal Revenue Service can only help to improve liquidity.”
To read Grant Thornton’s IRS procedures offer relief to cash-starved businesses, please go to
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