Recent Updates
Child remains found at New Mexico compound, man due in court
Legal Events 08/03/2018 -
N Carolina Supreme Court candidate sues over party label law
Legal Events 08/02/2018 -
Tennessee high court refuses to block looming execution
Notable Attorneys 08/01/2018
US Supreme Court ruling in union dues impacts case in Oregon
Notable Attorneys 07/29/2018 -
N Carolina elections board back in court in power struggle
Court Watch 07/25/2018 -
Court: Ban seafood caught with nets that harm tiny porpoises
Ethics 07/24/2018
Rock icon Cliff Richard wins UK High Court privacy case
U.S. Law Review 07/19/2018 -
Court questions whether Maine has money to expand Medicaid
U.S. Law Review 07/19/2018 -
Missouri court gives jolt of life to long Midwest power line
Headline Legal News 07/18/2018
Court says convicted serial rapist should be released
Legal Events 07/16/2018 -
Court: Drug users can be jailed for relapsing on probation
Notable Attorneys 07/13/2018 -
India's top court calls for new law to curb mob violence
Notable Attorneys 07/13/2018